Adding your Handwriting to this Collection
From Kaminski Handwriting Collection
We welcome your writing to this collection! The goal is to create a
cross-section of handwriting as it has existed for the last century or so
up though our current time.
We accept all work--from the scribbling of children just learning to write with a
crayon through adults using a fine pen. Notes, recipe cards, scientific documents,
creative work, letters, poems, journals--all of it is welcome. The writing can
be clear and easy to read, or impossible to read. Legible or illegible. All of it is
important so that we have a full range of writing as it exists.
Start by contacting us so we can either digitize it for you, or help you do it yourself.
We are currently meeting some basic community archive standards but hope to
meet higher archival standards in the future. All images are retained offline as
larger files for educators, academics, scholars, and others to study.
If you would like access to larger images for your study, please contact us.
Please contact us to contribute your work or to find out more about the collection at