Thomas Alva Edison, Example of his writing while working as a Morse telegrapher, 1868

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Thomas Alva Edison, Example of his writing while working as a Morse telegrapher, 1868

This is the
only original
copy of Mr Edison’s
writing while he
worked as a
Morse telegrapher,
Boston, 1868

We have been driven to adopt this course, when it is proved that had we
uniformly received courteous gentlemanly & humane treatment & been subjected
to no tyrannical rules had the old standard of salaries been carefully
maintained & some system of promotion established so that the for distant
future we might see at least a single ray of hope there would have
been no cause for complaint then I believe that other heads
(Edison’s copy 1868)

reserved by
Donald McNicol, Historian, Telegraph
pioneers Society

Thomas A Edison
Orange, N.J. August 15 1892.


Thomas Alva Edison
Date written
x in x x in
Penmanship Style
Courtesy of Thomas Edison National Historical Park
The Thomas Edison Papers, Rutgers University [1]
Writing speed tests on Edison, The Medical Record, Vol 15, Jan 1879 - June 1879, New York: Wood & Co. 247. [2]

for contemporaneous comparison, see mention of the speed of 1,292 words over five minutes for Graham phonography, The Student’s Journal, Vol. XVI, No. 11, November 1887, New York: Graham. 4. (258.4 words per minute) [3]
speed comparisons, Gregg shorthand to Graham phonography [4] [5]
File name
Edison Thomas Alva 1847-001-001-001

Thomas Edison Example of his writing while working as a Morse telegrapher 1868.jpg