William Putnam, Ambition

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William Putnam, Ambition

Be not too fond of Honour Wealth or fame
Since none of these can beutify ye Mind
But may Ambition & your Pride proclaim
And render you the Jest of Human-kind
When true Humility without all these,
May make you Happy & shall make you please

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r r s s t u v w x y z
o d a q g e c [or e?] x n [or terminal r]? v b l m n h i j o p w t f i [ij?] k e b

William Putnam. 1813.


William Putnam
Date written
Penmanship Style
Free Library of Philadelphia, Rare Book Department
Children's Collection, Calligraphy
File name
William Putnam Ambition mediumcrop 1.jpg

William Putnam Ambition mediumcrop 1.jpg