John Putnam, Ambition
From Kaminski Handwriting Collection
John Putnam, Ambition
Be not too fond of Honour Wealth or fame
Since none of these can beutify ye Mind
But may Ambition & your Pride proclaim
And render you the Jest of Human-kind
When true Humility without all these,
May make you Happy & shall make you please
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r r s s t u v w x y z
o d a q g e c [or e?] x n [or terminal r]? v b l m n h i j o p w t f i [ij?] k e b
William Putnam. 1813.
- John Putnam
- Date written
- 1813
- Paper
- Ink
- Penmanship Style
- Collection
- Free Library of Philadelphia, Rare Book Department
- Children's Collection, Calligraphy
- File name
- John Putnam 1804-00-00