Marjorie Wise, On the technique of manuscript writing, Patty Smith Hill, intro page viii

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Marjorie Wise, On the technique of manuscript writing, Patty Smith Hill, intro page viii

make the majority of English teachers feel that their work
has passed the experimental stage and that manuscript writing
has become an established aspect of the curriculum of
the elementary school.

Whether the results from experiments in this country
will be as overwhelmingly convincing and favorable as those
in England, still remains to be seen, but it behoves us to
put this writing to the test, learning all we can from
England while subjecting it to a rigid investigation in
American education. In the meantime England's convictions
are worthy of our serious study and consideration. The
following are some of the methods used by the educational
authorities in Great Britain, and the claims made as a result
of experience:
1. In some instances manuscript writing is the only form
taught through the entire school system; in others the beginners
only are given this type of writing, and again in other
schools, the older children use both scripts simultaneously
Though some of us may question the acquisition of two kinds
of writing, second thought reveals to us the fact most of us
practically have two handwritings,-one,”polite” and legible for
social and business purposes, the other more rapid, less legible,
reserved for our own personal use.
2. One of the most convincing reasons for the superiority
of manuscript writing is evident with the beginners who in this
instance need familiarize themselves with only one alphabet
instead of two where reading and writing are taught simultaneously.
To reduce the confusion which arises when young
children are confronted with two types of letters, educators in some
cases have met this problem by teaching the reading of print
first, postponing both the reading and writing of the running
script to a later period when the reading of print


Marjorie Wise
Book Title
On the technique of manuscript writing
Charles Scribner's Sons
cm x cm; in x in
Penmanship Style
manuscript writing
File name
Wise, Marjorie18xx-001-001-002
Links related to Marjorie Wise

Marjorie Wise On the technique of manuscript writing Patty Smith Hill intro page viii.jpg