Melvil Dewey (attributed to) and Thomas Edison (whom Dewey references), Library handwriting, also know as library hand, 1887

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Melvil Dewey (attributed to) and Thomas Edison (whom Dewey references), Library handwriting, also know as library hand, 1887

  • NOTICE: Edison is not the co-creator of the style as Wikipedia claims. See the article on Carrie F. Pierce, who is said to have provided the style.

The Origins of Library Handwriting, from Carrie F. Pierce to Melvil Dewey[1]


Melvil Dewey
Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey
Book Title
Library notes, improved methods and labor-savers for librarians readers and writers, edited by Melvil Dewey
Vol 1, No. 4, March 1887
Boston: Library Bureau
Date published 1887
x cm x x cm; x in x x in
Penmanship Style
File name
Dewey Melvil 18xx-001-001-001
Links related to Melvil Dewey
Library notes, improved methods and labor-savers for librarians readers and writers, edited by Melvil Dewey, source images [2] [3]
Links in same article referencing Edison [4]

and the following paragraph about the writing and publication of this article [5]

All images appear in Google source [6]
Books related to Melvil Dewey
Library Hand, 1887 (reprinted), reference to Thomas Alva Edison [[7]]
Handbook of New York State Library School, including summer course and library handwriting ...,1901 [8]
Handbook of New York State Library School, including summer course and library handwriting ...,1901, reference to Thomas Alva Edison [[9]]
Library Handwriting, (Revised from Library notes, Mar., 1887), 1903 [10]
Simplified Library school rules; card catalog, accession, book numbers, shelf list, capitals, punctuation, abbreviations, library handwriting, 1912 [11]
Library handwriting: a guide to for the use of students in the New York State Library School, 1916[[12]]
Letterforms and the changes in library hand writing
Library notes, improved methods and labor-savers for librarians readers and writers, 1887 [[13]]
Simplified Library school rules; card catalog, accession, book numbers, shelf list, capitals, punctuation, abbreviations, library handwriting, 1898 [[14]] [[15]]
Handbook of New York State Library School, including summer course and library handwriting ...,1901 [[16]]
Library Handwriting, (Revised from Library notes, Mar., 1887), 1903 [[17]]
Simplified Library school rules; card catalog, accession, book numbers, shelf list, capitals, punctuation, abbreviations, library handwriting, 1912 [[18]] [[19]]
Library handwriting a guide for the use of students in the New York State Library School, 1916 [[20]]
Library handwriting comparisons
Library handwriting comparisons, Melvil Dewey and New York State Library School, 1887 - 1916 [[21]]
Links related to Thomas Edison's handwriting [[22]] [[23]] [[24]]
Link to images of library hand in use
New York State Library, cards that survived Capitol fire of March 29, 1911 [25]
Photo credit Philip Kamrass / Times Union
Compare to
"rapid printing" in International Correspondence Schools' book copyright 1899 and 1906 [26]

Library hand 1.png