Writing teachers, list
Abiah Holbrook, writing master, calligrapher
- Location: Boston
- "Holbrook was the quintessential Anglo-American writing master (strictly in the British tradition), one of the few eighteen century American calligraphers equal in genius to the best scribes working then in Europe. Holbrook, as the head of the South Writing School in Boston from 1743 until his death in 1769, was a very influential teacher." [1]
Abiah Holbrook, writing master
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; Boston; Portsmouth
- "Probably the son of Elisha Holbrook, of Kittery, M[ain]e, born in 1754, and nephew of Abiah Holbrook, famous writing master of Boston, who left him a bequest in 1769; entered Boston Latin School in 1769; according to records of Selectmen of Boston, appointed usher in Queen Street writing school in 1778 (then "near of age"); usher in Samuel Holbrook's writing school in the Common, 1778-79; writing master in Portsmouth at close of Revolutionary war; appointed usher of writing school in Queen Street, Boston, 1784" [2]
Jacob Newman Knap, writing master
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Capt. Isaac Knapp and Susanna Newman; born, Newburyport, Nov. 7, 1772; Phillips Academy, 1796-98; Harvard College, 1802; studied divinity with Dr. Jedidiah Morse (trustee of Phillips Academy), Charlestown; distinguished master of boys' schools, Salem, Brighton, Jamaica Plain; resided from 1824, Walpole, N.H.; died July 27,1868." [3]
Amos Blanchard, teacher of writing and music, writing master
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Joshua Blanchard and Elizabeth Keyes; born, Wilton, N.H., Jan. 14, 1778; came to Andover as clerk for Judge Phillips; Phillips Academy, 1787-88; was clerk to treasurer, transcribed Academy records, and was agent for trustees in business matters for many years; first cashier of Andover Bank, 1826-43 deacon of South Church; trustee and treasurer of Abbot Academy from its foundation to his death, Aug. 17, 1847. [4]
Samuel Lewis, writing instructor and cartographer [5]
- Location: Philadelphia
William Brown Stow, teacher of writing and music
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Heman Stown and Abigail Brown; born, Marlborough, Jan. 1, 1782; Williams College, 1811; studied divinity with Rev. Dr. Theophilius Packard, D.D., Shelburne; pastor, Wilmington, Vt; New York; Ohio; died, Ridgeville Corners, O., April 21, 1855." [6]
Eloise Richards Payne, penmanship
- Location: Boston
- "This is the second, revised edition of Dean’s work, described by Ray Nash as “The most ambitious publication ever to grace American handwriting,” featuring 110 pages of letterpress and thirty-six copperplates. This plate, a mathematical abstract of all letterforms, and the title page were drawn for Dean by Eloise Richards Payne, whom he mentions in his preface as “the daughter of his particular friend, William Payne, of Berry Street Academy, Boston.” [7] [8]
Jeremiah Mayhew, writing instructor
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Capt. Jeremiah Mayhew and Abigail Bassett; born, New Bedford, Dec. 23, 1788; Brown University, 1808; Andover Seminary (1811); died while a member of the Seminary, New Bedford, Jan. 4, 1811. [9]
Fifield Holt, writing master
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Fifield Holt and Anna Lakin; born, Hollis, N.H., May 27,1785; Middlebury College, 1810; Andover Seminary, 1813; pastor, Bloomfield, Me., died Nov. 15, 1830." [10]
B. Nichols [11] [12]
Cyrus Kingsbury, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Col. Cyrus Kingsbury and Annis Taynter; born, Alstead, N.H., Nov. 23, 1786; Brown University, 1812; Andover Seminary, 1815; missionary among Cherokees (at Missouri Ridge) and Choctaws fifty-three years; died in the Indian Territory, June 27, 1870." [13]
Thomas Shepherd, writing master
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Jacob Shepherd and Lydia (Wilds) Clapp; born, Norton, May 7, 1792; Taunton Academy; Brown University, 181; Andover Seminary, 1816; home missionary, Georgia; pastor, Ashfield, fourteen years; Bristol, R.I., forty-four years; died Oct. 5, 1879. D.D., Brown, 1858." [14]
Otis Rockwood, teacher of writing
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Elisha Rockwood and Abigail Stone; born, Chesterfield, N.H., May 1, 1791; Middlebury College, 1812; Andover Seminary, 1817; pastor, Lynn, fourteen years; Woodstock, Conn.; died, Cambridge, Dec. 30, 1861." [15]
Abner Morse, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Capt. Abner Morse and Mille Leland; born, Medway, Sept. 5, 1793. Day's Academy, Wrentham; Brown University, 1816; Andover Seminary, 1819; pastor; Nantucket; Sennett, N.Y.; Boundbrook, N.J.; South Bend, Ind., to 1841, afterward resided in Boston and vicinity, engaged in genealogical researches and compilations; died, Sharon, May 16, 1865. Member of Hist. Gen. Society." [16]
Miron Wilson, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Nathaniel Winslow and Anna Kellogg; born, Williston, Vt., Dec. 11, 1789; Middlebury College, 1815; Andover Seminary, 1818; while at Andover published valuable History of Missions; missionary in India forty-six years; president of native college in Madras; translated the Bible into Tamil, and published Tamil-English Dictionary; died, Cape of Good Hope, while on the way to America, Oct. 22, 1864. D. D., Harvard, 1858; LL. D., Middlebury, 1864." [17]
John H. Hassam, Hassam's Private Academy [18]
James Howe, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Dr Adonijah Howe and Sarah Ripley; born Jaffrey, N. H., Aug. 13, 1796; New Ipswich Academy; Dartmouth College, 1817; Andover Seminary, 1821; pastor, Pepperell; died July 19, 1840. [19]
J. B. Chadbourne [20]
William Watson Niles, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Rev. and Hon. Nathaniel Niles and Eliza Watson; born, West Fairlee, Vt., Nov. 29, 1796; Dartmouth College, 1820; Andover Seminary, 1823; home missionary, Tennessee and Ohio; pastor, Malden, Holden; rector, Rome, N.Y., Kingston, R.I., died La Porte, Ind., June 8, 1854." [21]
Joshua Payne Payson, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Dea John Howe Payson and Amaryllis Payne. And. Theol. Sem. 1824. Pastor, Chilmark and Tishury. Res. from 1830, Pomfret; blind for many years."
- "Born Pomfret, Conn., Aug 15, 1800. Phillips Academy, 1815. Died, Pomfret, Conn., April 29, 1871." [22]
Henry Herrick, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Born Woodbridge, Conn., March 5, 1803. Phillips Academy, 1818; Andover Seminary, 1828; Died, North Woodstock, Conn. March 11, 1895." [23]
- "Son of Rev. Claudius Herrick and Hannah Pierpont. Born in Woodbridge, Ct. --At the Principal's. --Berkeley Scholar at Yale. Teacher of Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven. Teacher of Penmanship, Phillips Academy, 1826-27. And. Theol. Sem.; Yale Div. Sch. 1828. Principal of female academies in Knoxville, Tenn.; Somerville, Moulton, Ala.; home Missionary in Ticonderoga, Exeter, and other places in New York. Res. from 1867 North Woodstock, Ct." [24]
John Taylor Jones, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Elisha Jones and Persia Taylor; born, New Ipswich, N. H., July 16, 1802; New Ipswich Academy and Bradford Academy; Amherst College, 1825; Andover Seminary, 1830; Newton Seminary, 1830; missionary in Burmah and Siam; founder of Baptist Mission in Siam; translated Bible into Siamese; died, Bangkok, Siam, Sept. 13, 1851. D. D., Columbian University, Washington, 1850. [25]
James Wilson Ward, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Rev Jonathan Ward and Philena Gay Whitaker; born, Alna, Me., May 21, 1803; Phillips Exeter Academy; Dartmouth College, 1826; Andover Seminary (1830;) Yale Seminary, 1832; teacher, South Berwick (Me.) Academy; pastor, Abington, twenty-two years; Lakeville; representative from Abington; senator from Plymouth; died, New York City, Jan. 31, 1873. [26]
D. Easton, Writing Academy, [27]
A. McLaurin, Penmanship, Short Hand [28]
John Jason Owen, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Son of Hezekiah Owen and Elizabeth Thrall; born, Johnstown, N.Y.; Aug. 13, 1803; Middlebury College, 1828; Andover Seminary, 1831; secretary of Presbyterian Education Society; principal of Cornelius Institute, New York City; Professor of Latin and Greek, New York Free Academy, now College of City of New York, of which vice-president from 1866; author of standard text-books in classics; died April 18, 1869. D. D., University of New York, 1848; LL. D., Middlebury, 1864." [29]
A. D. Smith, Smith's Writing School [30]
Chauncey Bascom, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- Location: Lebanon, Connecticut
- "Son of Abiel Bascom and Sybil Roberts. --Left 1821. --Teacher of penmanship. Prepared and published a system of penmanship, which had a large sale. Died at Lebanon. [31]
Mr. Tousey [32]
- From 1830 to 1840 these records disclose a number of traveling teachers of special subjects. Nothing is said of these except what they said of themselves. Such teachers were A. McLaurin and D. Easton who taught writing schools in 1830, A.D. Smith who claimed in 1831 to teach a new system of his own which which made "bad writers to write an elegant hand in two or three days...Mr. Tousey another writing teacher...." [33]
Isaac Goward, teacher of penmanship
- Location: from Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- Location: Croydon, NH; New York, NY
- "Son of Isaac Goward and Abigail Lothrop. --At Mr. Foster's. Left 1824. --Took one year of college course at Waterville, and another at Amherst. Began to study medicine at Dartmouth, and was licensed to preach by Baptist church at Cornish Flat, N. H. Afterwards took the name of Isaac Rossini Goward, and became teacher of penmanship and music in New York City." [34] [35]
B. W. Halsley, Halsley's School [36]
Sarah Jane Corbin, Mrs. Sarah Jane Corbin's School [37]
J. W. Stanlift, Stanlift's Writing School [38]
Gilbert Wood, teacher of penmanship
- "Penmanship. G. Wood teacher of plain, practical, and ornamental, penmanship, would respectfully inform the citizens of Claremont, that he will open a school, to give instruction in this important art at the academy, on Monday evening next, at half past seven o'clock." [Claremont, N.H. : s.n., 1845]. American broadsides and ephemera. no. 6623. [39]
O. S. Moulton, teacher of penmanship
- Location: Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
- "Now is the time! "A good hand writing is a letter of recommendation." Mr. Moulton, late "teacher of penmanship" at Phillips' Academy, Andover ... has the pleasure of announcing to the ladies and gentlemen of this place, that he will open a school for instruction in penmanship on [blank] evening next, at [blank] at [blank] o'clock." [Boston] : Dearborn, printer, 1 Water Street, Boston., [1849]. American broadsides and ephemera. no. 7383. [40]
H. Daniels, penmanship
- "Penmanship! Mr. H. Daniels, would inform the ladies and gentlemen of Valley Falls, the by the solicitations of his friends, he will commence another course of twelve lessons in plain and ornamental writing, upon a new plan! ... H.D. respectfully invites all, old and young, who wish to improve their hand-writing, to meet at his school room, Tuesday evening, January 22, at 8 o'clock." [Pawtucket, R.I.] : R.W. Potter, printer, Pawt., [1852?]. American broadsides and ephemera. no. 8082. [41]
William Dickey, writing teacher
- Location:
- "Dickey's Writing Academy! 2nd term! will commence on Monday, Oct. 25th, at the same rooms, in Caldwell & Crocker's Building, over the "Sentinel Office." [Fitchburg, Mass.] : Garfields, printers, Fitchburg., [1852]. American broadsides and ephemera. no. 8089. [42]
Margaret Clark Griffis
- Location: Meriwether, near Tiptonville, Tennessee; Japan
- "Private teacher, all subjects, for "Isler children at the family's plantation, Meriwether, near Tiptonville, Tennessee"; later, she also taught in Japan[43]
Gabriel Inman, writing teacher
- Location: Burlington County, New Jersey
- BURLINGTON CO. NJ, 9 July 1860, PO Beverly, Beverly City, p. 897
- 897 1 157 166 INMAN Gabriel 39 m w writing teacher NJ [44]
Silencia M. Newcomb
- Location: Hiram (Portage) Eclectic Institute, Hiram, Ohio
- "Teacher of Spencerian penmanship, born in Ohio in about 1844. A sister of Stata Newcomb, she taught at the Hiram (Portage) Eclectic Institute in 1865 and was still working in Hiram in 1870 as a writing teacher. Her father, Timothy Newcomb, was a farmer." [45]
Robert J. Gordon, writing teacher
- Location: Brockport, New York
- Robert J. Gordon , the 20-year-old son of a Brockport [New York] machinist, served in the 13th NYVI and less than two months after being mustered out enlisted in Company B of this regiment. He was wounded at Petersburg on June 17, 1864. Yet, still mustered out with the regiment on July 21, 1865. In 1870, he was a writing teacher living in a boardinghouse in Brockport. [46]
Oliver B. Goldsmith, professor of penmanship
- Location: Patchogue, New York?
- "Oliver B. Goldsmith, professor of penmanship from New York, respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Patchogue, and adjacent towns, that he will commence a course of writing lessons, for ladies & gentlemen, on Thursday morning, October 31, 1872, at the parlors of Roe's Hotel" [Patchogue, N.Y.? : s.n., 1872]. American broadsides and ephemera. no. 13193. [47]